Rush and Eric's Story and Prayer
Rush Behnke's Story:
Eric Henderson asked me last winter to accompany him to Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine to help orphans be adopted by Christian families.  Everything in my heart and life experience said "go".  I answered the call not having any idea how I could make a difference or afford the cost.
God gave me the faith, strength, courage and ability to lead a very large community in an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition build in 2011. There was a long journey that prepared me to say "yes" to that call, and this one. 
I give God all the glory for using me to organize and cary out many community projects.

Part of my gifting is to encourage church communities to do extraordinary things through teamwork building.  This applies to "Builds" as well as asking Jesus' church to empower adoption.
Eric Henderson's Story:
(Eric will add this soon)
This is our prayer.
Abba Father… Provider

Lord it’s with a humbled hearts that Eric Henderson and I desire your will regarding our calling to help orphans in the world.  Help us to fully commit our hearts to you; help us to be empowered by your Spirit.  Direct our obedience Lord.

There is so much need for agape generosity that leads to relational development in the body of Christ.  Enable us to work thru the hands of nationals, to bring Bible culture into the Church regarding orphans, and to connect Jesus’ disciples with the necessary resources to succeed; however, Abba, Creator, I know this is not possible without your favor, mercy, and grace.  Grant us favor Lord Jesus.

We need a Church with our Abba's heart for orphans through our Lord Jesus Christ.  We ask by your Holy Spirit, that you will call willing-hearts, send anointed dreams, speak words of wisdom through others, and part the sea of complexities that will make possible what’s impossible in our flesh.

We’re not asking for average things, which can be done by human intellect and strength.  We are asking for supernaturally charged miracles from your throne; those which have no other explanation other than "Jehovah Nissi has spoken".  Your banner O Lord is love. 

Fill every church with supernaturally charged understanding of the depth of this cause; give us favor with the hearts of people everywhere; bless the orphans who will benefit with the bounty, and help them to know that they are loved by you.

Abba you created the world in 6 days and rested. You parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River. You raise the dead! This is stress-free for you, so, we will rest in your provision; we will have faith in your faithfulness God, as our only retreat.

Forgive us Lord when the enormity of this mission stabs us in our weakest moments, and help us to recall passages in your Word ("God is our source of hope) and to remember your grace will carry us through the difficult times.

To accomplish your will is our only goal Jesus. To see Christians in great numbers move as one and accomplish much for orphans our prayer.  To see God's Word change church culture towards bringing orphans in families is our call. 
Let the initiatives developed in Eastern Europe become models that can be duplicated wherever the "Church" exisits. Help us to build bridges for orphans to be adopted all over the globe, without regard to the cost.  We can barely comprehend the cost Jesus paid to adopt us into our Heavenly Father's family.

Lord help the "Church" speak with one voice for orphans all over the world, and let them speak thru the power of your love. 

In The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.