Monday, October 19, 2015

Eric Henderson's news from Bulgaria 10-18-15

Bulgaria has been a brisk pace of meeting pastors, directors of transition homes for orphans, speaking in Sunday services, and also meeting with young adult orphans who, because someone developed a relationship with them before they aged-out, are now born again and growing in their faith...someone was there when they got out.

I wanted to tell you about this one church in Sevlievo where I shared the message. I traveled to this small city to meet an American who was building group homes for orphans, which included house parents. His name is Marty and he is a funny and energetic guy and he also has built a relationship with a young man who came out of the orphanage and into this church family...a good story. We sat down at a small Bulgarian cafe, eating Chinese food, and after he shared his vision for orphans he asked me what I was doing in Bulgaria. Thirty minutes later, halfway through my answer, he asked if I could stay overnight and share the message for the church service on Sunday...I said yes!  He calls his pastor to get permission, gets it, and then we have a meeting with the translater to give my speaking notes in advance....this guy gets things done!

On Sunday, I shared the entire message and the congregation roared with applause,(for God's love for orpans). Two adults who were never adopted, were just full of joy at hearing  the message, and one woman who was adopted, was so full of joy, tears filled her eyes as she expressed thanks for knowing her esteemed position, along with Moses and Esther.  She committed to join the others in the church to minister to orphans and champion the adoption message. Then something happened that shook me up...the pastor came to me with the interpreter to say he wanted to donate funds to the teaching ministry to get the word out to other churches!! I was stunned.  This was a poor church, the pastor does not even receive a salary, yet they take care of many widows and help older orphans trying to transition to adult life. After a brief moment of silence, God gave me a word to respond to the pastor. I told him the best and enduring gift he and his church could give was if they would commit to praying for the success of the message to be spread to other churches, and for it to bear fruit in action for the rescue of orphans in Bulgaria. He liked that and committed to pray.

This one story, out of many, so much reminded me of the reception you and I got at the Journey church before we left for Romania. Remember, the church applauded the word of God for orphans, they prayed for our success, and they gave resources for the word to be spread...the Holy Spirit was moving in the people at the Journey church the exact same way He was moving in the church in Sevlievo!

I have been Sofia for a few days and it has been very fruitfull. The senior pastor over a large group of  evangelical churches is going to set up a major pastors conference in Sofia, and wants all of the pastors and youth pastors to attend. It will be sometime next year as we are winding down 2015 soon.

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